CE Management Report January 2021

Community Content Social Inclusion

UNICORN Project: The UNICORN Project in collaboration with UCC is an Erasmus + project on Student mobility across five Cities/Universities. This is a community-based learning module which benefit the host community project with an international student from one of the other 4 universities. This was in pause due to Covid-19 but the EU have extended the period and therefore the module design and collaborations began in earnest again in January 2021. Kieran O'Connell is the lead on this project and has been in regular contact with UCC staff and the other UNICORN host Universities through Meetings. Lord Mayors Heritage Concert: A social inclusion lead event has also suffered the consequences of Covid-19 and for the obvious reasons no concert was held. To that end and to ensure the idea and memory of the Concert is not lost, we are working with the Committee and Frameworks Films to pull a compilation of the last decade of concerts together so that in the likely event this year’s concert is also lost we will have an on -line version to hand. January saw the first draft film compilation. However, additional editing is required before we show this. The committee may hold it until next September/October which is the normal date for the concert annually. Just wanted to bring it to your attention now as much work went into it over January. Covid-19 CRF: A Covid-19 Youth Response : online inter-agency brainstorming event took place on Tuesday 19 th January 2021. This was an excellent piece of broad collaboration across the youth services and many quality ideas were hatched that may add to a substantial Youth Response Programme for the Spring and Summer periods. Young people have been adversely affected by Covid-19 from a range impacts on their education, socialization, health and well-being and this attempt to produce a programme similar to the Lord Mayor’s Challenge last year with another range of interests and on-line engagements.

The Blue Vest initiative continues to pick up traction, with vests in demand all over the city. Th is month’s newest participants are an energetic group from the Shalom Park-Alberts Road area who are ready to take advantage of the pedestrian friendly Marina in the safety of their new walking attire.

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