Arts Strategy Implementation Report

Strategic priority #5 - Capacity and influence

Strategic priority #5 - Capacity and influence


Capacity and influence


The City Council and the arts sector have the knowledge, skills and capacity to achieve our shared ambitions for arts and culture in Cork

Photo: Clare Keogh

Outcome 5.2

The staff complement, knowledge and skill base is assuring the effective delivery of the strategy.


3 additional specialist roles have been resourced to effectively delivery on the strategic priorities, including Cork City Council’s first dedicated Public Art Manager

Outcome 5.5

Evidence is informing our priorities and decision-making to advance arts and culture in Cork City


Arts and Culture Infrastructure Needs Assessment conducted 2023. This report will inform our work to develop arts and cultural infrastructure in the coming years.

Outcome 5.6

Investment has enhanced our capacity to influence arts practice in the areas of youth, community, health and climate action in particular Successfully leveraged funding under Creative Ireland national programme schemes including Creativity in Older Age, Creative Climate Action and Creativity in Health & Wellbeing to develop targeted collaborative programmes. Projects include music in residential settings with Music in the Community; the ongoing annual programme of ecological arts activity in Tramore Valley Park, under the Kinship project; and a new collaboration with the Irish Hospice Foundation on an intergenerational project using creativity to address loss and grief in community settings, post-Covid.


Photo: Darragh Kane

Photo: Darragh Kane



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