Arts Strategy Implementation Report

Strategic priority #1 - Art for everyone

Strategic priority #1 - Art for everyone


Art for everyone

Outcome 1.2

Developed new 5 year creative communities plan for embedding creativity in communities across the city. Supported under the national Creative Ireland Programme. A broader diversity of people in a greater variety of contexts are experiencing art in their lives.


Under this plan we have:

25 30


Encourage and enable more people across all our communities to access and enjoy art.

Outcome 1.1

A rich mix of arts and cultural events and experiences are driving strong public engagement.

Supported a further 30 projects championed by members of the cross-directorate culture and creativity team. These include projects such as the Ardú Street Art Initiative, the Kinship creative climate action project in Tramore Valley Park; Cork’s One City One Book etc.

Introduced new Creative Communities Grant Scheme . Since 2023, 25 community-led creative projects have been supported.

€ 1,900,000 to arts bodies in Cork City


New post of Creative Communities Engagement Officer appointed to Cork City Council Arts Office


2024 €1,000,550 81 organisations

2023 € 894,600 76 organisations

Secured Arts Council of Ireland R&D funding to pilot ‘Creative Knocknaheeny’ as a model for place-based arts development in Cork city.


Dispersed just under 1.9 million euros in core funding to the professional and voluntary bodies that make up the arts sector in Cork city. In 2023, €894,600 was dispersed to 76 organisations and groups and in 2024 €1,000,550 has been committed to 81 organisations. Collectively these organisations provide a high-quality, diverse programme for citizens from across the city whilst also establishing Cork’s cultural reputation on a national and international stage.

Partnered with Arts and Disability Ireland to pilot the Island City contemporary sculpture trail as an accessible public art trail. Measures rolling out in Autumn 2024..




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