Arts Strategy Implementation Report

Strategic priority #1 - Art for everyone

Strategic priority #1 - Art for everyone

Outcome 1.3

Constituent groups in our city are engaged in arts and cultural experiences that are by, of and for them.


Delivered by 2 x iterations of Cruinniú na nÓg Cork City, the national day of children’s creativity in June 2022 and 2023.

A Day of Free Creativity for Young People

Cork City C ruinniú na n Ó g


Funded 10 projects through the ‘Arts-in-Context’ Scheme, where professional artists work with communities of interest.

Delivered a continuous professional development programme for social-engaged artists in collaboration with Leitrim County Council Arts Office.


Supported and steered BEAG Early Years programme, bringing quality early years arts programmes to childcare settings. With partners Cork County Arts Office, HSE and delivery partners, Graffiti Theatre. Supported 2 x iterations of arts in school’s programmes: Tools of the Trade (primary schools collaborative art project); The Unfinished Book of Poetry (Transition year poetry project)



Developed and published ‘What Next?’ Arts and Ageing resources and toolkit with Creative Enquiry partners.


Provided funding support for the Crawford Supported Studios.


Outcome 1.4

The people who make, produce and govern arts and culture in Cork reflect the city demographic


Pilot Visibility Bursary for artists who experience barriers to developing their professional practice on the grounds of their status. Underway June 2024

Photo: Clare Keogh



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