CE Management Report November 2021

As part of the libraries Commemorations Programme UCC’s Lindsey Earner Byrne hosted a lecture via Zoom entitled 'Is this a Civilized Country: Listening to Ordinary Voices in Modern Irish History’. The lecture revealed fascinating correspondence to Bishop’s in the east of Ireland from women requesting aid for their starving families during the period. Some unique events held during the month included Online Chair Yoga in partnership with Healthy Ireland and Board Game Making Workshops for Grandparents and Grandchildren in Blackpool Library, in partnership with HSE South Cork and Kerry.

Cork City Libraries took part in a Public Libraries’ Design Thinking pilot project this year, with the intention of further engaging with library users and local communities to build on our current library services. The focus of the design thinking model is putting people at the centre of service design and is driven by customer empathy, team brainstorming and prototyping. Part of the prototype plan was the purchase of a purpose designed gazebo, which was fu nded by the LGMA’s fund contribution to the Design Thinking Project. The gazebo which arrived during the week will be used to engage with communities to gain valuable feedback to help us grow and design our services, as well as for other literary and creative events.

Yvonne Moloney accepting Bill McCarthy’s books from his wife to replenish previous copies that were lost in the fire of 2019

Mayfield Library Plants Positivity

Design Thinking Project purpose-built gazebo


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