CE Management Report October 2020.pdf

Zumba in Schools

St. Marks Primary School was the first school to take part in our Zumba in Schools Programme. We are providing Zumba for the fifth and sixth class students each week until Christmas. The teacher has reported great feedback from the students and has noticed an increase in their mood and participation in class after the sessions.

Orienteering Programme

In response to the national Keep Well campaign we are promoting the use of outdoor spaces to stay active this winter. We are commissioning Sean Cotter from Bishopstown Orienteering Club to map out the ground of local schools and youth groups. We are then arranging for instructors to deliver Orienteering sessions with the students and show the teachers how to use the maps. Some schools and youth groups that are near local parks and green areas are using those as their course. We are offering an Orienteering Training Course out to teachers and youth workers at present. We hope that by up- skilling them they will be able to deliver their own sessions in the future. Orienteering is an ideal activity for teachers and youth workers to do under current restrictions because it is something that can be done outdoors, is contact free and c an be socially distanced. Teachers have reported that it is one of the few ‘green listed’ sports they can do under current restrictions.


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