CE Management Report October 2020.pdf

Sustainable Travel

This month had Walktober , a national walking challenge between different organizations and business. It is aimed at getting people out walking during October who would not normally do so. Several teams took part this year with the top team walking on average over half a million steps in the month.

October also saw the the launch of Light up your Life, which is a targeted campaign for cyclists as the evenings are getting darker. Bike lights were distributed and it is planned to issue hi-viz jackets in the near future.

Environmental Sustainability Report ReUse Month

October was ReUse month. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the 5 th annual Fashion Show could not take place. The event which is supported by Cork City Council, in conjunction with the Regional Waste Office and Cork Environmental Forum, showcases clothes from charity shops and vintage shops. This year, an alternative online event was run. The Sustainable Style Sessions event took place on Friday 30 th October. It involved two online panels of fashion experts including Brendan Courtney and Blaithnaid Treacy speaking about the world of sustainable fashion. It also featured 4 videos which were produced for the event. These were from 2 charity shops (Barnardos and Self-Help Africa) and 2 vintage shops (Miss Daisy Blue and Records and Relics). The event was fully booked.

Waste Prevention Grant Scheme:

Completion reports were submitted during October. The deadline was extended for some projects which were delayed due to Covid 19. Some of the projects are described below:

1. Banners not Balloons: This project promotes the replacement of plastic single use decorations with more sustainable upcycled materials. It involved delivery of workshops to show how to make bunting from old textiles. The workshops were moved online due to Covid 19. In total 4 workshops were delivered “live” to 28 people. It was subsequently shared on Facebook and had 326 engagements. Cork City Council shared it as one of its ReUse Month activities.


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