CE Management Report November 2020.pdf

Sustainable Travel

The month of November focused on road safety, with promotion of road safety campaigns and submitting a response to the RSA regarding the RSA next 10-year road safety plan. Preparation was also done for completing walking tours of Cork city to encourage walking in the city. These walking tours will hopefully be available on our website by the end of December and include a Shandon mile walk, street art tour and a tour of places of interest of the South Parish. Members of the public will be able to see the route on their mobile phone and see pictures of the places of interest.

Environmental Sustainability Report Waste Awareness Week

Waste Awareness week was run in Cork City on the week beginning Monday 16 th November. Each day had a different theme (greener cleaning, food waste prevention, textiles, Council services, recycling and reuse). Each day a video and two social media posts were issued on City Council social media channels. The Waste Awareness Week was run in partnership with the Regional Waste Management Office and in parallel with waste awareness weeks in other counties. The initiative is seen as a preparatory step for the drafting of a new waste management plan in 2021.

The images below are a selection of those that were used during the week.

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