CE Management Report March 2020.pdf

Sport & Sustainability _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Marathon On 16 th March, a decision was taken to reschedule the Marathon from the June Bank Holiday weekend to Sunday September 6 th . At that point, over 2,000 participants had entered and were automatically deferred to the September date. Given the unprecedented circumstan ces, those who couldn’t make the rescheduled date were deferred to 2021 or were granted a full rebate. To end of March, 67 refunds were processed, amounting to €3,879.59. Twenty - seven entries were deferred to June 6 th , 2021.

While the viability of hosting the marathon in September remains uncertain, cautious preparations are continuing but will be reviewed on a weekly; or where necessary, daily basis.

Marchathon 2020

The National Smarter Travel Workplaces Marchathon 2020, coordinated by the National Transport Authority, finished on 27 th March and this year Cork City Council’s workforce had 19 teams participating in the challenge.

These step challenges are particularly useful to increase awareness of how much or how little walking we do every day. The formation of teams encourages participation and running the challenge over 4 weeks helps to form good habits. Cork City Council teams fared very well in the national leader boards, with two of our teams neck and neck on 10 th and 11 th places nationally. On the Desk-based leader boards these teams fared even better, finishing at 6th and 7 th places respectively. Congratulations to all participants. FAI/Cork City Council Development Officer The FAI has launched a new Homeskills programme, which is an online coaching skills programme for young players. Cork City Council’s Football Development Officer, Ray Claffey, is assisting in this programme by coordinating a series of tips for these online coaching sessions. This programme will run daily from Monday to Friday at 11am, with FAI prizes awarded to the best online videos posted by participants.


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