Old Cork Waterworks Experience (Lifetime Lab) Explorers Marine Science - Lifetime Lab is the education partner for the Cork region for “Explorers” a primary marine science education program, which is funded by the Marine Institute. The team made the transition to delivering workshops virtually requiring new content to be created including video resources. A total of 44 online sessions engaging a total of 1100 school children from Cork City primary schools were delivered over the month of November. A further 46 online sessions are scheduled for December.
Screenshot of video content created for use during explorers program
Explorer’s online workshop delivery in the classroom
Explorer’s virtual workshop delivery
House of Circuits - Primary Science Workshop Following the successful survey carried out with Cork primary school principals in October, the team at Old Cork Waterworks have set about creating a new workshop format to meet the needs of science enrichment in schools and also suitable for delivery under to COVID 19 restrictions. The new workshop format consists of resources delivered to a class in advance with a live virtual workshop to aid the learning process. This concept was successfully piloted to 4 Cork City primary school classes over November and will be scaled up for roll out in January 2021.
Science with Una - The series of short science at home activities were further developed over November. Four additional videos were scripted, filmed and edited for use as a promotional tool on social media and websites. November themes included physics, illusions and biodiversity. All videos are available on facebook and the website.
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